6 Digital Marketing Tips

6 Digital Marketing Tips

Digital marketing is critical to business success. It attracts customers by showing them what they want and how your company can provide that for them. You can implement digital marketing tools to monitor customer behavior online in order to effectively cater to their needs. Online marketing needs to be audience-based with the priority of earning your potential customers’ trust and educating them on what you have to offer. There are many ways to market your business online, here are six tips to get on the right path:

  1. Think Mobile-Friendly Browsing – Most people get their information from their mobile devices today. Make sure your website design is mobile friendly before going live to avoid any frustration from your audience. Optimize the setup to be accessible on all screen sizes, and keep it up to date with the latest trends and colors.
  2. Combine Content with SEO – While SEO started out as coding and keywords, today’s search engines are smarter. You must prioritize valuable, original content as well. Search engine’s algorithms look at content and measures how engaging it is through the distribution of it. It’s wise to use various content styles, such as text, videos, graphics, and audio. More content is great, but it must be creative, informative, and appropriate to your customer base. Reach more people through good content, then the tracking codes can do their work to tell you what your visitors like and need.
  3. Strategize, Plan, and Collaborate – No matter how large or small your company is, designate someone (or a team) to oversee digital marketing. But also allow crossover and integration throughout the entire team. Integrating your marketing strategies across all applicable channels in your company will promote creativity and innovation. Keep strategies organized with a master plan that includes collaboration.
  4. Be Visible on Social Media Platforms – Love or hate social media, if you’re in business today, you need some sort of presence on these platforms. Consider who your audience is and try to identify where they spend most of their time on social media and choose what’s most relevant to your business. Remember, social media isn’t where you necessarily pitch products, it’s for engagement and sharing.
  5. Have an E-mail List – When a potential customer comes to your website, encourage (without forcing) them to sign up for an e-mail newsletter or the like. Many companies offer a one-time discount code if you provide an e-mail, which is a good way to get those names rolling in. Then, keep consistent on those e-mail campaigns, and deliver only quality and engaging content to your e-mail list.
  6. Budget for Contextual Marketing – A great way to track your marketing ROI is through contextual marketing, which means finding your target audience and serving them an ad. This ad is not a product, however, it’s your content. Then you can take that targeted traffic and offer them your good or products. This ensures you are hitting the right people and the right time, increasing engagement from people who truly are interested in your business.

To get started on your SEO journey, contact Utah SEO and see what we can offer you!

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